
Early Spring always seems to be such a busy time. I’ve had quite a bit on my plate the past few weeks, but mostly fun things. And my birthday is in one week from today! So the busy schedule continues : ) Here’s some photos from my St. Patrick’s Day & Chloe’s birthday. We went […]


Alright, I think it’s Italy time. Italy has always had a special place in my heart. Maybe because of Under the Tuscan Sun… But regardless, I was beyond ecstatic to visit Verona. Italy was exactly as I imagined it. Rustic, captivating, beautiful, charming, mysterious… And so much more. I can’t wait to visit more Italian cities. […]


We meet again nostalgia. This time for Paris. Perhaps because Valentine’s Day is tomorrow? Or because this cold, windy weather reminds me so much of the bittersweet French city. The city was sweet, the cold was bitter. At any rate, here’s some eye candy. Nos encontramos otra vez, nostalgia. Esta vez por Paris. ¿Posible porque mañana […]


Finally an outfit photo! Sorry it’s been ages since I’ve posted at all… My sister’s wedding was just last weekend. It was a good amount of work but it turned out lovely and things are settling down now. I had the day off on Friday and was able to visit my friend Chloe in her hometown […]