Alectricity II

UPDATE! There are ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT of my brother, Alec’s, project on Kickstarter. He is sooo close to reaching his goal and he needs just a few more pledges to be able to produce his CD! I was able to attend his most recent recording session and listen to him record his own compositions. […]


Hope you all had a warm and comforting Thanksgiving! Mine was juuust right. Turkey overdose, countless rolls, yummy sides & desserts… Plus plenty of time spent in the kitchen watching my mom work her magic and listening to classical music. Thanksgiving always feels like the warm-up for the Christmas marathon that is December. Especially with […]


The city of Edinburgh is Scotland’s charming capital. After my six day visit, I concluded that Edinburgh is the magical land of castles & coffee. Don’t get me wrong, this is a wonderful thing. It’s such a cozy and inspirational city… Seeing Edinburgh made me wish I could stay in Scotland for another few months. […]