Warm & Well

The cold weather has been keeping me inside the house a bit more lately and I definitely don’t hate it… Spending time at home is always warm and wonderful, especially around the holidays. I hope everyone is well and is enjoying the season too : ) Our Thanksgiving Day bouquet. Adventuring around Minneapolis with Brandon, […]


It’s finally here! My brother Alec’s CD was officially released last week and we couldn’t be more excited! Tuesday evening we had a CD release party at a pub in Bloomington and it was incredible. We had tons of food, beer, and even a ‘merch’ table. I’m so proud of my brother and it feels […]


Hope you all had a warm and comforting Thanksgiving! Mine was juuust right. Turkey overdose, countless rolls, yummy sides & desserts… Plus plenty of time spent in the kitchen watching my mom work her magic and listening to classical music. Thanksgiving always feels like the warm-up for the Christmas marathon that is December. Especially with […]


I have felt pretty darn spoiled lately. So many delicious meals, beautiful summer weather, and great times with my family and friends. I am quite content : ) I’m developing some high hopes for the rest of summer! Me he sentido bastante malcriada últimamente. Tantas comidas deliciosas, tiempo hermoso de verano y grandes momentos con […]